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Final Exams

All courses have a final exam or project that must be submitted by the end of the trimester. Your exam or project must be submitted by the end of the last day - see your course updates or ask your teacher for details.

Before you take your final exam or submit your final project:

  • New submissions of assignments will not be accepted after submitting a final exam or project. Make sure your grade is the best it can be BEFORE you take the final. Corrections to assignments AFTER you take the final will not be accepted.
  • Once a final exam or project has been submitted, it is final. Study hard and do your best, and turn in your best work.

For final exams:

  • Students take their tests with a teacher proctor.
  • If a student is ready for their exam in Weeks 2-11, you are welcome to come into the BOHS office main computer lab any time we are open.
  • During Week 12, there are opportunities to take your exam at BOHS as well as the other D93 high schools. Please consult the Final Exam Flyerfor more information.